Home Pet Care Info FIV Vaccine for Cats back in stock Feb 25


FIV Vaccine for Cats back in stock Feb 25

After a long period of unavailability, vaccine against FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus / Feline AIDs) is once again available. Initial supplies are limited, but we expect further product in the near future, and it should then be available long-term.

Unfortunately, many cats who have previously been vaccinated against this disease and who are at risk (see below), have not been vaccinated for a long time, and these cats will require more than one vaccination to restore protection.

Manufacturer’s recommendation:

  • cats less than 3 months overdue: give a single booster dose;
  • 3-6 months overdue: give 2 vaccines 2-4 weeks apart;
  • more than 6 months overdue: restart the primary course of 3 vaccines, 2-4 weeks apart. For such cats, we should consider a blood test prior to vaccination

For animals that have been seen (had an annual health check) within the last 6 months AND where you have no other concerns, we will be administering the vaccine for the price of the vaccine only, during a 5 minute appointment. If you have other concerns or things to discuss, you must request a 15 minute (or longer) appointment. A 15 minute consultation is currently $109.

This is an opportunity to consider whether revaccination is required.

FIV vaccine is only recommended for cats who are allowed outside (in this instance, a secure cat enclosure is considered “inside”), or where another cat in the household is FIV positive. FIV is caught through fighting – keeping cats contained prevents this (and other) infections , protects against car accidents and other injuries, and protects wildlife. Even if your cat was previously vaccinated against FIV, it’s age or lifestyle may now mean that FIV vaccination is unnecessary.

Each animal and each owner’s situation is different, and our reception team, or your vet, will do their best to answer your questions and help you to arrive at a decision. You can call in the first instance for advice, and to make an appointment if appropriate. Please note, we will be triaging by urgency, and the next available appointment may be some time away.

Please telephone for an appointment

Gungahlin Veterinary Hospital      6242 7276
Gungahlin Cat Hospital                 6147 3377